
Re: Chlorella/Cilantro(Lyn)

  • Subject: Re: Chlorella/Cilantro(Lyn)
  • Date: Tue, 09 Mar 2004 09:49:42 -0000
  • Yahoo! Message Number: 105360
  • Onibasu Link: http://onibasu.com/archives/am/105360.html

I did a search on this list to find out more about chlorella, but
the three posts I found didn't really tell me much.

Does anyone know anything about this stuff? It is supposed to
remove mercury and other metals from the body.

Chlorella does not remove any mercury, often caauses horrible problems,
and is 100% contraindicated in human beings. There is never any reason
a toxic person should take chlorella.

Also, I've read previous posts about cilantro. People seem to be
very scared off by it.

Because there are lots of truly horrible adverse reaction reports.

The stuff does appear to contain a brain accessing chelator, which
makes it potentially very dangerous for toxic people.

Unfortunately nobody has a clue how to use it properly.

This is very scary.

Andy ./ . . .. . . . . .

Onibasu Link: http://onibasu.com/archives/am/105360.html

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