
Re: Andy, your position on DMPS?

  • Subject: Re: Andy, your position on DMPS?
  • Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2003 05:55:47 -0000
  • Yahoo! Message Number: 71402
  • Onibasu Link: http://onibasu.com/archives/am/71402.html

DMPS is great stuff. If cost isn't an issue and you are sure that
your kid has mercury and maybe arsenic, but not other stuff, it is
better than DMSA for most people.

If you gave 5 mg DMPS + 15-20 mg of ALA every 3-4 hours that would be
a good chelation protocol. Do it for 3+ days. Remember you have to
do it at night too.

We are confused..which do you prefer DMSA or DMPS for mercury detox
in an autistic child (10yrs)? Would you say a protocol of 5mg per
kilograms of body weight be correct? What would be the time
schedule, days chelating vs. days off?

Also, what is your position on testing needed during the chelating
process? What tests and how often?

Very few tests needed. Basically if there are problems, then decide
what tests it takes to sort out what is causing them. Otherwise tests
not needed.

Any leads to a doctor near Charlotte, NC using DMPS?

No, but you might call Karyl Bental in Augusta Georgia or Larry Miller
in Pennsylvania if either is close enough for you to be willing to
work with them and see if you like them.

We are had to
back out of a study because we didn't feel the doctor was doing
things right and couldn't get him to answer our questions. We've
previously posted on 1/18 what this doctor had us doing. Now we
spent a lot of money, have a bunch of test results, and a child that
is on ALA & DMPS which we believe is incorrect dosages. We need to
find someone that can continue to help us. The doctor mentioned
our son has a gut issue (low flora) but again we need help fixing
that. Can you give us any leads? (There are actually four families
in my area that have been mislead by this doctor, we need to find a
new doctor)

If you all like one of the doc's above maybe you can all schedule one
day and make a big outing of it. If you have to do a road trip, going
with other people who understand dealing with autistic kids might make
it easier. . . .. .

Thank you

Onibasu Link: http://onibasu.com/archives/am/71402.html

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