
Conversion of hydrocortisone cream/ointment to mg.

  • Subject: Conversion of hydrocortisone cream/ointment to mg.
  • Date: Fri, 09 May 2003 21:22:21 -0000
  • Yahoo! Message Number: 7921
  • Onibasu Link: http://onibasu.com/archives/amc/7921.html


Sorry about the delay in answering this. As per Andy Cutler:

6 mg. of hydrocortisone from 1/4 teaspoon of .5% cream/ointment

12 mg. of hydrocortisone from 1/4 teaspoon of 1% cream/ointment

You get 1/5 of that amount if you smear it on your body rather than
eat it.

Back to me. I am taking 10 mg. with breakfast and 5 mg. with either
lunch or later afternoon. Here is how I do it.

I use Cortizone 10 ointment (over the counter). It is 1% which I
find better as you only have to ingest half as much as if you used
a .5% creme or ointment. I use the ointment rather than the creme
for two reasons. First, the ointment (at least this brand) has only
hydrocortisone and petroleum jelly as the ingredients. The creme has
other ingredients and I figure the less stuff in it other than
hydrocortisone, the better when you are eating it. Second, the
ointment comes out more solidly than the creme. This makes it easier
to use. More about that in a minute.

Here are the specifics. I use the little measuring spoons used for
baking. I use a quarter teaspoon and an eighth teaspoon measure.
Since there is 12 mg. in a quarter teaspoon of 1% ointment, I fill
the quarter teaspoon measure almost full to get about 10 mg. I
originally tried to encapsulate it, but that failed miserably. The
best way I have found to take it is either to take it like a pill or
put it in some liquid. To take it like a pill (which is how I
usually take it in the afternoon when I am working), you fill the
measuring spoon, scrape it completely out with your finger, put it in
your mouth (this is why the ointment is better as it will stay fairly
solid in your mouth for a short time) and immediately take a drink to
swallow it whole. This is actually very easy. The other way, which
I typically do in the morning, is to put it in liquid. The thicker
the liquid, the better. I have a glass of organic vegetable juice
every morning, so I usually put it in there. It has to be dropped in
very carefully as it sticks to your finger and if it hits the side of
the glass and then you have to scrape it off.
Hope this is helpful,


Onibasu Link: http://onibasu.com/archives/amc/7921.html

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