
Re: Full body itchy rash with a couple raised spots

  • Subject: Re: Full body itchy rash with a couple raised spots
  • Date: Sat, 07 Jan 2012 09:11:55 -0000
  • Yahoo! Message Number: 79023
  • Onibasu Link: http://onibasu.com/archives/fdc/79023.html

--- In frequent-dose-chelation@yahoogroups.com, "lindajaytee" <lindajaytee> wrote:

I would stop the DMPS for now. After a lengthy break reintroduce DMPS cautiously. There is a very low incidence of rash with DMPS (more often associated with transdermal DMPS). Something to rule out.

Unfortunately the incidence isn't all that low - it depends on the batch. Every so often a batch comes in and a lot of people get sensitive - once this starts to happen, it gets worse FAST. If you're sure you're reacting toit, do not ever take it again.

When chelating be sure to at least use the basic supplements that Andy recommends (Mg, Zn, Vits A,C,E, fish or flax oil).

It's always hard to know how short to make the 'short list.' My shortest list is Mg Zn Vits C and E. Next milk thistle, lecithin and vitamin A, next omega 3. Then B complex, and so on and so on until the list is as long as your arm.

Depending on how your liver is behaving the milk thistle and lecithin may be more or less important (or may even fall off the short list).

--- In frequent-dose-chelation@yahoogroups.com, "daonstream" <daonstream@> wrote:

Hello everyone i woke up with my whole body itching this morning like afull body itchy rash that you cant see except for two spots on my buttocksthat are raised. my genitals are the worst. ive been chelating continuoslyon 25 mg dmps for around a week and a half

The DMPS problem is definitely a rash, not just itching. If you just itch alot it is likely something else - if the rash grows it may be the DMPS.

and have been ok except for the diarhea which has gotten a little better. No new supplements in fact i stopped taking magnesium. the only thing i canthink is that i was juicing alot of fresh vegetables for a couple days andi did eat thai food for a couple days after that(which has never produced a rash. it came on overnight its crazy. I dont know what questions to ask as usual im just asking asking for help i guess.
Anithistamines, over the counter hydrocortisone cream, if you're ok with Benadryl get the benadryl skin cream, also mix some aspercreem in with the HCcream. Apply all that to the rash. Take the antihistamines or whatever you like for allergy for the itch. See what happens.

I m doing dmps continuosly because i feel more awful when not on it and ive heard of people doing it succesfully. Maybe this is some sort of detox idont know going to doctor tomorrow if still here.

That is a good idea. Let the doc tell you what he thinks it is and whetherit is something going around right now. See if he knows something useful to do for it beyond these suggestions.

If I were you I wouldn't volunteer that I was using DMPS so he doesn't justemote about CHELATION is BAD so that must be the problem....






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