
Re: Please help! Kefir problems, desperate for answers...

  • Subject: Re: Please help! Kefir problems, desperate for answers...
  • Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2007 11:45:35 -0000
  • Yahoo! Message Number: 7062
  • Onibasu Link: http://onibasu.com/archives/rkm/7062.html

Plase don't stop drinking kefir! Dom is the MAN! Just take his
advise and you'll probably fine.

It's well known among us that when it comes to healing/improving
health, that things often get worst before better.

When you cut yourself and throw some peroxide on the wound doesn't it
bubble up and sting a bit, to the point where you don't want to
continue, but you KNOW it'll be fine?

A babies GI tract is most like his/her mothers. Read as much as you
can about microflora/micro-organisms.

Check out the Body Ecology articles. They're really helpfull and

Good luck!




"Erroneous statement: At birth, the human gastrointestinal tract is
sterile. The organisms that colonize first tend to dominate the
system. For much of human history, babies got their first gulp of
bacteria - usually Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria - from their
mother's birth canals and breast milk.
Truth: It is a commonly held belief that the mother s breast milk
contains bacteria. They ve actually analyzed breast milk and found
that breast milk has no bacteria.
Breast milk has an important function of containing sugar (lactose)
that creates a sticky, mucous-y coating on the intestinal lining that
the bacteria can nestle into so that they can colonize.
Donna Gates believes the microflora enter even sooner. Approximately
a week to ten days before actual labor begins, the mother s cervix
will dilate about two centimeters. Donna believes the bacteria in the
birth canal enters the womb at this time and penetrates the amniotic
sac. Research has already shown that pathogenic bacteria from the
mother s vagina can and do invade the amniotic sac earlier in the
pregnancy, causing problems for the unborn child. In fact, this is a
frequent cause of premature birth.
Babies drink the amniotic fluid that ought to contain beneficial and
neutral bacteria. In this way, Nature is ensuring that the newborn
inherits a healthy inner ecosystem. Once labor begins, the baby is
exposed to even more bacteria as he or she slips through the birth
canal. Pregnant and nursing mothers should eat a wide variety of
fermented foods daily.
Inoculation of beneficial bacteria via natural birth canal is exactly
the way nature vaccinates us. If parents understood this and trusted
nature, we wouldn t be so fearful and so susceptible to the
pharmaceutical industry that is insisting we vaccinate our babies at
birth. Doing so is dangerous. Live virus vaccines were originally
developed for very healthy people who had well-developed immune
systems. It will take about three months for a newborn baby s inner
ecosystem to be cultivated , but once beneficial bacteria flourish
inside his tiny gut, it will encompass over 80% of his immune system."
--- In Real_Kefir_Making@yahoogroups.com, Dominic N Anfiteatro
<dna> wrote:

Hello n

This is not uncommon. We need to consider the change in micro
make-up of the Gastro Intestinal tract that kefir induces, and
likely an unhealthy state that the GI tract is in, before deciding
consume kefir on a regular basis. There is a shift taking place
and it may come with some abdominal discomfort.

Gas is common in such cases, and, it is now understood that the
microflora of a nursing mother is closely reflected in her breast

However, I've discovered ways to prevent/rectify this issue. In
fact, I
had a local friend recently come to me with a similar problem which
rectified within days. My wife and our daughter never had this
for we followed what I am about to disclose as a preventative
solely for mum.

Try following suggestions--

2 tbs dill seed
1/2 tbs caraway seed
1 tbs fennel seed
1/2 tbs anise seed
Chamomile flowers

Health food outlets should carry all the ingredients. Also found at
good continental store, or a spice seed rack or section at large

Grind all seed spices in a coffee grinder, or, pound in a mortar
pestle, or use a good electric blender. Grind to a course to fine

Take 1 flat tsp of the spice seed powder, and mix with 1 cup kefir,
enjoy kefir like this each time.

Steep 1 tbs chamomile flowers in 1 cup boiling water for 5 minutes
in a
pot with a lid fitted. Take this 1/2 hour after taking your kefir
[including meals].

Take kefir right after each meal, just do the above each time, and
the camomile 1/2 hour after each meal.

If you take kefir between meals, do as above, with mixed seed

To help your toddler with wind and colic pain--

Add 1 heaped tsp of the above seed spice powder, and steep for 5
minutes in 1 cup boiling water in a pot with a lid fitted. Strain
keep in the fridge in a clean, sealed jar or bottle.

Feed toddler 1 tbs tea diluted with 2 tbs warm water before each
feed. You may need to use a soft tipped syringe to feed the dilute
or feed with a baby bottle.

You should have good results within the first day, but it may take
longer, just keep it up until gas is no more.


On 7/21/2007 9:33:46 PM, N wrote to Dom:
Hello, I recently discovered your site and began making and
Kefir. My gas and my sons gas have increased so much, that I may
have to stop drinking it. I must admit the first time I drank it
a bit trying, but I soon began to LOVE my homemade Kefir, and I
really hate to have to give it up. I have been drinking it about a
week, and I am nursing my 3 month old son - he is exclusively
breastfed. He was born very gassy and colicky. I thought for sure,
when I discovered Kefir, that it would HELP, not HURT, the
situation. I am so disappointed, as I thought that it makes the
dairy easier to digest, but we both have had such a sharp increase
lower intestinal gas. I have searched high and low for answers, but
find nothing but he benefits posted on websites. Do you have any
idea what may be going on with us? Is there anything I can do to
make this better and not have to give up on Kefir drinking? I am
using kefir grains shared by a dear friend. He makes his VERY
strong, I use mine after about a day, as we do not like it very
strong. We use raw cows milk from a local farm, and then we blend it
up with honey and essence and chill in the fridge until time to

thank you for any help at all,

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