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Single Word Query

Specifying one word as the search term returns all messages which contain that term, for example: oxalate

AND Query

To narrow your search results, you can specify multiple terms using the and operator. Consider the following search for 'goat milk kefir cheese':

goat and milk and kefir and cheese

You can omit the and operator alltogether. Terms which are separated by one or more spaces are assumed to be an AND query. So, in the example shown above, it is perfectly legitimate to use the following query instead:

goat milk kefir cheese

OR Query

To broaden your search results, you can specify multiple terms using the or operator.  Insert the or operator between the terms to retrieve every message which contains any one of the terms you specificed, e.g.

kimchi or kimchee

This query returns any message containing either kimchi or kimchee.

Note: removing the or operator from the query above will return the same results as if you were running the search using the and operator!

NOT Query

This query specifies two or more terms for retrieving all messages which contain the first term but do not contain the following terms. For example:

coconut not oil

This query will return any message containing the word coconut unless it contains the word oil

Grouping Queries

You can group queries by surrounding them in parentheses. The parentheses must be surrounded by spaces. e.g.,

( kimchee or kimchi ) and whey not salt

Phrase Searching

You can search for a phrase that consists of two or more terms by surrounding them with double quotation marks or braces such as "..." and {...}.

"kefir whey"
{kefir whey}

Note! This query returns all messages containing the phrase "kefir whey". This is different from searching for kefir whey.

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