
Re: Making kefir faster? M.P Method?

  • Subject: Re: Making kefir faster? M.P Method?
  • Date: Thu, 01 Jul 2010 19:16:09 -0000
  • Yahoo! Message Number: 90901
  • Onibasu Link: http://onibasu.com/archives/km/90901.html

I have read that the rule of thumb is 1 cup of milk for every 2 tablespoonsof kefir grains.

I have a friend who ordered the M.P. Method for Kefir making and his big time saver tip is to drill small holes in the plastic cap of the jar to create a strainer. After the 24 hours the milk is stirred and then the strainer cap is put back on and the jar is turned upside down and gently shakin to strain the milk through the cap into a bowl. Then you just have to had more milk to the jar for the next batch without having to touch the grains. He also makes the strained Kefir ferment for another 24 hours until it separates from the whey to increase it's potency. As long as your grains are small,you will have to use the finer strainer but they do grow fast. I think he uses a 5/32 drill bit for the holes in the lid and the holes are placed very close to each other like a colanders holes.

For me, the stirring of the kefir right before straining really helps strain faster and easier. I just stir really well with a plastic spoon for about10 seconds. I tried drilling holes in a cap and I goofed the cap up so I have to weight and get another cap to try it again.

--- In Kefir_making@yahoogroups.com, Theta <calblonde1> wrote:

Hi Jimmy,
How much of the kefir would you add to milk to kefirize the milk?

I have seen 2 different kinds of milk kefir grains. One type grows largerin size. The other kind are small, about the size of small raisins.

I have the type that grows larger. I simply used a plastic spoon/fork to scoop out the grains after every batch. I remember how many of the grains are in the jar. Even after the milk had curdled up, I can stir around to break up the curds and find the grains.

For folks with the many small kefir grains, perhaps you can try to separate the milk from the grains before much of the milk has curdled up. I suppose you can also try using a plastic mason-jar cap with hole in the cap. I think have seen some such caps at Ace Hardware store, and/or at Walmart. Even with those, you may still have to strain before much of the milk has curdled (thicken) up. Perhaps you can also try to use a plastic fork or plasticslotted spoon to fish out the grains.

FYI, if you have kefirized milk made from real milk grains, you can also make a new batch of kefir with that kefirized milk (without using grains). In other words, you can make more kefir for drinking separate from the jar with kefir grains, if that helps for the time being until you figure out a better way to separate the numerous small grains from the curds.


Onibasu Link: http://onibasu.com/archives/km/90901.html

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