
Re: MCS/Gut permeability

  • Subject: Re: MCS/Gut permeability
  • Date: Tue, 9 May 2000 12:42:28 EDT
  • Yahoo! Message Number: 1258
  • Onibasu Link: http://onibasu.com/archives/am/1258.html

On a related topic, one thing that our doctor emphasized was the reabsorption
of metals during chelation from the gut, and the
importance of good gastrointestinal health for a successful chelation.
His recommendation is to use chitosan, a shell fish fiber,
during the chelation period to 'mop up' the gut.

This is a common superstition among alternative doctors that is at odds with
the scientific literature on the subject.

While the scientific literature shouldn't be taken as gospel (Medline is NOT
the souirce of all truth, and in fact is the source of some falsehoods), it
is usually relevant on basic questions like absorption of mercury from the
gut. Given this and the fact that I have mostly heard of "alternative
doctors" saying you are supposed to do this to prevent reabsorption rather
than saying you are supposed to do this because they have seen better results
in their patients who do it, I think the answer is that fiber is irrelevant
to mercury detox.

If anyone has direct information on how people did during any rational detox
protocol with and without fiber I would love to hear it.

This is not to say fiber might not have its own advantages unrelated to
mercury detox.

Andy Cutler

Onibasu Link: http://onibasu.com/archives/am/1258.html

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