
Sarah Parker on the show "To The Point"

  • Subject: Sarah Parker on the show "To The Point"
  • Date: Sun, 17 Apr 2005 16:27:18 -0700
  • Yahoo! Message Number: 136448
  • Onibasu Link: http://onibasu.com/archives/am/136448.html

Dear Colleagues

I am deeply disturbed by your choice of Ms. Sarah Parker on
the 4/15/05 show with author David Kirby. Ms. Parker
fraudulently charged Dr. Mark and Mr. David Geier with
scientific malfeasance in a review publication she and the
CDC NIP published in the Sept. 2004 edition of Pediatrics.
I take very serious the slanderous comments made by Ms.
Parker. Although a tacet retraction was made by Ms. Parker
in the Jan 2005 edition of Pediatrics, the fact remains that
Parker was about the business of manufacturing salacious
stories about folks who would caution the use of thimerosal
and its causal association with autism. This would bring
into severe scrutiny any comment she would make against the
book "Evidence of Harm," or its author David Kirby or
researchers in general.

With that type of agenda, Ms. Parker should release her case
load and consider other career choices in which malicious
mischief would have less dire consequences.

Please issue a proviso on your website concerning the
credentials of Ms. Parker.


Brian S. Hooker, Ph.D., P.E.
(509) 366-2269

Onibasu Link: http://onibasu.com/archives/am/136448.html

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