
Re: Testing Overload?

  • Subject: Re: Testing Overload?
  • Date: Wed, 31 May 2000 21:37:19 EDT
  • Yahoo! Message Number: 1838
  • Onibasu Link: http://onibasu.com/archives/am/1838.html

We give the DMSA in 5 divided doses and the LA in 2 (I
know Andy...I'm thinking about increasing it...everythings so darn
controversial- it's very scary as a parent ...)

I know it is scary. And nobody ever does it perfect, either.

As long as you pay attention and stop if things get wierd, you aren't going
to do any permanent damage. The worst you will do is require more proper
chelation to clear out the results of improper chelation.

It seems to me you could give the DMSA and LA together at least... you can
get LA tablets and crush them up and mix them with DMSA beads from chemet,
for example.

I did all kinds of stupid stuff to myself (you feel much less bad about it
when you do it to yourself than when you do it to your kid) when I was first
figuring this out, and most of the people I know who got well or are getting
well did something or other pretty dumb along the way too.

I'm not trying to moralize at you and tell you that you are a BAD MOTHER if
you don't do it my way. You are a GOOD MOTHER because you are trying to do
something and you are doing your best! I am just trying to help by providing
real information so you can make the best choice for your kid.

Andy Cutler

Onibasu Link: http://onibasu.com/archives/am/1838.html

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