

  • Subject: Re: EDTA v DMSA
  • Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2007 06:58:22 -0000
  • Yahoo! Message Number: 215164
  • Onibasu Link: http://onibasu.com/archives/am/215164.html

--- In Autism-Mercury@yahoogroups.com, "l.largey" <l.largey> wrote:

anyone have any comments on the difference to these two ?? I have heard
DMSA is better and safer from quite a few people but would like some
more input and welcome thoughts or opinions

EDTA can and usually will cause zinc depletion and people with mercury problems are
invariably low in zinc and don't absorb it well.

EDTA is well known to be of no clinical utility for the treatment of mercury toxicity, the old
textbooks from before DMSA say this, it is what continues to be observed.

EDTA DOES work fine for lead. DMSA works better for lead. DMSA does not cause zinc
depletion (the elevations of copper and zinc seen in urine when taking DMSAare not
significant since almost all of the copper and zinc excreted actually comesout in the feces
and DMSA doesn't increase this).

When someone has a lead problem and does not have any significant amoiunt of mercury,
AND they have a problem with DMSA, then it is perfectly rational to use EDTA.

One situation where this might be true is someone who gets neutropenia (a reduction in a
specific kind of white blood cell) when they take DMSA, and who has lead but no mercury.

Another situation where EDTA is appropriate is in vascular disease, such aswhen someone
is referred for bypass surgery but doesn't want to be split open like a side of beef and
then suffer enough brain damage from the extensive insult of the surgery tolose 10 or so
IQ points permanently. This is in fact its most common use.

This whole debate seems to me like saying penicillin isn't any good becauseit doesn't cure
the flu. Each drug is good for what it does, the doctor's job is to actually know something
about what the drugs do so s/he can make a diagnosis and precribe the drug that actually
treats that condition.


Onibasu Link: http://onibasu.com/archives/am/215164.html

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