
Re: DMSA/ALA dose question

  • Subject: Re: DMSA/ALA dose question
  • Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2000 12:27:35 EDT
  • Yahoo! Message Number: 2164
  • Onibasu Link: http://onibasu.com/archives/am/2164.html

What is a good dose of DMSA and lipoic acid for a 44 lb child that will
be given every 3 hours?

10-25 mg of DMSA and 10 mg or so of LA.

If you get Chemet capsules they have a bunch of little beads in there and you
should be able to count those out to get small amounts like 10 mg reasonably
conveniently. For lipoic acid you should be able to find tablets (or mail
order them from The Vitamin Shoppe, www.vitaminshoppe.com - their house
brand is tableted) and cut them in quarters or eighths with a "pill splitter"
you can find at the drugstore instead of having to open capsules and fool
around making little piles of powder. Get the lowest dose tablet you can
find so you don't have to dice it too much.

Is it ok to stretch out the time betweeen doses
at night of DMSA and lipoic acid so I don't have to wake up my son more
than is necessary?

You could experiment with doing it at 4 hours at night. The conservative
answer to that question is "no," but waking up at night a lot counts as an
unpleasant side effect that you can trade off against other unpleasant side
effects by experimenting to see which way is worse.

Even if he needs to do it every 3 hours at night now, after he detoxes some
he should be able to tolerate 4 hour dosing at night, and after he detoxes
more he should be able to tolerate one day only chelation series.

Andy Cutler

Onibasu Link: http://onibasu.com/archives/am/2164.html

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