
Re: Natural Products for mercury removal

  • Subject: Re: Natural Products for mercury removal
  • Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2000 20:06:47 EDT
  • Yahoo! Message Number: 2372
  • Onibasu Link: http://onibasu.com/archives/am/2372.html

<< Andy, or others, do you know anything about homeopathy to chelate?
JoAnne >>

Some. Not as much as using chelating agents, but enough that coupled with
what happened to lots of actual people who tried it I think I can give you an
accurate answer.

Despite religious belief to the contrary among "AMA worshippers," homeopathy
is effective in at least some instances.

Homeopathy seems to work by stimulating the body's natural mechanisms to do
their job better - which is what the practitioners claim it does.

There is no natural mechanism to remove mercury from the human brain. Once
the mercury is in there, it does not come out. Thus one would not expect
homeopathy to be effective at brain detox and indeed it is observed that it
is not.

Homeopathy does seem to detox the body OK. However, as with some other
approaches this does mobilize mercury and concentrate more of it into the
brain (from which homeopathic remedies can't remove it).

Everyone I know who tried homeopathic detox got more brain symptoms after it.
Most of them did experience some relief of other symptoms.

I'd suggest you detox using non-homeopathic approaches and reserve homeopathy
for treating or correcting whatever problems are experienced along the way.

Remember, a healing crisis is a necessary part of homeopathy. If you treat
a sick kid homeopathically, they MUST get SICKER before they can improve.
This is a pretty harsh thing to do to little children if there are other ways
to go.

Andy Cutler

Onibasu Link: http://onibasu.com/archives/am/2372.html

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