

  • Subject: Re: DMPS
  • Date: Sat, 24 Jun 2000 13:08:57 EDT
  • Yahoo! Message Number: 2458
  • Onibasu Link: http://onibasu.com/archives/am/2458.html

<< My doc friend told me that last year their was a bad batch of DMPS that
out from one pharmacy and alot of patients got sick. >>

That doesn't account for all the patients who got sick before that, after
that, and on other batches.

This is typical of the "DMPS worshipper" milieu - make excuses rather than
figure out what happened. Please don't get me wrong - they are still doing
better than the "AMA worshipping" sect which steadfastly refuses to believe
there is any problem at all. Also, since the "AMA worshippers" are
conducting an inquisition in which they attempt to burn the licenses to
practice medicine of the "DMPS worshippers" at the stake for being heretical
it is difficult for the "DMPS worshippers" to be open and honest about any
problems that may be occurring.

There have been large numbers of well documented adverse reactions to DMPS
from all sources I am aware exist, throughout the 1990's and continuing
today. The problem was not "a bad batch of DMPS." The problem is a bad
batch of doctors who don't pay attention to what happens with their patients.

Andy Cutler

Onibasu Link: http://onibasu.com/archives/am/2458.html

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