
Re: Vitamin C types-questions

  • Subject: Re: Vitamin C types-questions
  • Date: Sat, 1 Jul 2000 20:40:37 EDT
  • Yahoo! Message Number: 2803
  • Onibasu Link: http://onibasu.com/archives/am/2803.html

<< Is vitamin C in the sodium ascorbate form a buffered form of vit. C? >>


<<Is their a preferred form of vit. C for lead chelation or is the
sodium ascorbate form of vit. C as good as any other?>

They are all equally good - it is the "ascorbate" part of the molecule, not
the "acid or sodium or calcium or whatever" part of it that does the trick.

<<Does the
form of vit. C make a difference for the other positive benefits that
are commonly attributed to vit. C?>>

No. But if you eat too much acid of any sort it really does a job on your
digestive system, you get the runs, your rear end starts to get digested
and gets really uncomfortable, etc.

<<I have read somewhere that the
sodium ascorbate form is good to use if you are going to take large
amount because it will not make the body acidic like the more common
ascorbic acid form. >>

Correct. Also calcium ascorbate, magnesium ascorbate, etc. Any "buffered"
vitamin C, or one that has a mineral name followed by "ascorbate" as the

<<On the other hand, the autistic children with low
stomach acid may benefit from the extra acid from vit. C in the
ascorbic acid form. >>

In theory. Lots of things work really well in theory that sorta kinda
sometimes do when you actually try them.

Andy Cutler

Onibasu Link: http://onibasu.com/archives/am/2803.html

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