
Re: proper administration schedules

  • Subject: Re: proper administration schedules
  • Date: Sun, 2 Apr 2000 13:59:35 EDT
  • Yahoo! Message Number: 399
  • Onibasu Link: http://onibasu.com/archives/am/399.html

<< What if you're also giving lipoic acid every 3 hours, and then giving DMSA
8 hours? Is the 8 hours still "bad"? >>


The goal in deciding how often to give something is to maintain a reasonably
constant blood level of it. Thus if you are giving 2 or more things each
must be given often enough that the blood level of it remains within a
reasonably narrow range. Usually this is a factor of 2 for things you are
sensitive to.

To keep DMSA in this range requires giving it every 4 hours OR MORE OFTEN.
Thus since the LA should be given every 3 hours (some people tolerate longer,
some don't) it is OK to give DMSA and LA at the same time for convenience
every 3 hours since this keeps LA concentrations even enough and is MORE
frequent than is needed to keep DMSA concentrations even.

I get the times from looking in the literature for plasma concentrations of
the agent in question versus time, or for rate laws if available.

I then talk around and find people who have done it different ways and make
sure the equations (in standard medical texts all MD's used in med school)
are saying the same thing that the people are.

The extent to which a drug level has to be held constant depends on what it
is being used for as well as on the drug. Mercury is present free in the
plasma at fairly significant levels. Lead is not - it is mostly protein
bound. Thus lead is not as subject to the redistribution effect. DMSA was
approved for use in lead detox, and for lead detox administering DMSA every
8 or every 12 hours seems to be just fine. It ISN'T just fine to use it this
way for mercury.

Andy Cutler

PS While I get the best info available in the medical literature, what I do
in effect is figure out how often to give XXX or YYY or ZZZ for the "average"
person, and then put in some safety factors so it should be OK for "most"
people. Since everyone is a unique individual in a biochemical as well as a
social sense, some people will not do well on this. There is always risk
and care must always be taken to pay attention to what is happening to catch
problems before they get to the level where there is serious harm.

Onibasu Link: http://onibasu.com/archives/am/399.html

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