
Re: credentials, and a suggestion they not be all you rely on.

  • Subject: Re: credentials, and a suggestion they not be all you rely on.
  • Date: Sun, 2 Apr 2000 21:02:27 EDT
  • Yahoo! Message Number: 406
  • Onibasu Link: http://onibasu.com/archives/am/406.html

<< I'm confused.
What are Maria's and Andy's credentials, and who should I listen to ?
Sharon >>

Hi Sharon!

First I'll say I hope you listen to both of us and decide what to do based on
what makes sense to you.

Then I'll tell you that my credentials are:

Ph. D., Chemistry, Princeton University,

B. S., Physics, University of California,

Registered professional chemical engineer in California and Colorado,

Registered patent agent,

author of many technical papers in chemistry, materials science and space

author of the book <A HREF="http://hometown.aol.com/andycutler">Amalgam
Illness: Diagnosis and Treatment</A>,

and on a more personal basis, recovered mercury poisoning victim, uncle of
an autistic ADHD kid whose mother is relying on MD's for what to do (and he
isn't getting better), and boyfriend of a woman with a 6 year old who has
ADHD and organic encephalopathy pursuant to the mercury poisoning HE got that
very few MD's want to consider real.

At some point everyone on this list is ignoring credentials and paying
attention to what makes sense, since the vast majority of MD's - some MD PhD
+ ... at very prestigious places - say that autism is definitely not caused
by mercury, or vaccines. I encourage you to look at Maria's credentials as
a part of who she is, at my credentials as a part of who I am, but not to
see who has the bigger stack and decide who is right on that basis. If what
she says makes the most sense, believe her. If what I say makes the most
sense, believe me. If someone comes on and explains it all better than
either Maria or I can, listen to them even if they are a high school dropout.

Andy Cutler

Onibasu Link: http://onibasu.com/archives/am/406.html

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