
Re: Andy Cutler??

  • Subject: Re: Andy Cutler??
  • Date: Sat, 25 May 2002 19:19:14 -0000
  • Yahoo! Message Number: 48302
  • Onibasu Link: http://onibasu.com/archives/am/48302.html

--- In Autism-Mercury, Anna Buchiere <amw401> wrote:

ANdy, I have a que stion, if I am asking smething that has been
already written you, please excuse it. About the people using ala
alone, then dmsa the last round. When they dose every 3 or 4 yours
3 or 4 days, is the ala enough to secure the mercury until the dmsa
comes along to take it along?

Yes. ALA is a bona fide chelating agent.

I just want to understand eveything. I
know ala takes Hg through the feces right?


If they use ala alone what
happens to the hg when it comes out of the brain is it taken though
orwill it let go and dump in intestines without dmsa?

This is more complicated than you discuss here (or than DAN! doctors
appear able to understand).

The ALA does NOT carry mercury from the brain to the bowel. It
carries it out of the brain. Separately it may grab some in or near
the liver and take that out. All chelators grab and drop mercury more
rapidly than they are excreted, so the fact that they bind tightly to
it (equilibrium) in no way means they don't rattle it around the body

What you are doing with DMSA or DMPS in combination with the ALA is
entirely to control what it does in the short period of time it is
near the blood-brain barrier and might cross one direction or the
other. You are biasing the flow towards "out" more than if you used
ALA by itself.

Do you believe it
is a tight binder as long as it is a continuous 3 or 4 hour

This question is irrelevant as it implies equilibrium and kinetics are
the same. These are entirely distinct things. How tight the chelator
binds the target is not related to how often it drops it off and picks
it up.

I really appreciate the inf

Onibasu Link: http://onibasu.com/archives/am/48302.html

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