
Re: Chemet / Chelating

  • Subject: Re: Chemet / Chelating
  • Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2000 13:31:01 EDT
  • Yahoo! Message Number: 747
  • Onibasu Link: http://onibasu.com/archives/am/747.html

Anyone else have experience with chelating with Chemet? My son takes it
every other day 100mg for 4-6 weeks, then off for 4 weeks. We have finished
our first week and noticed some nice changes in him. Could this be just
a coincidence? Too soon for good results?

I have much experience chelating myself and also observing the chelating of
many other adults under different protocols, and have also analyzed the
different chelation protocols using the standard formulae in medical texts
what doc's are SUPPOSED to use to decide on dosage and administration

Everyone I know of who used DMSA every other day found it to either do
nothing or to be harmful. Some of the people experienced serious permanent
worsening of their psychiatric and neurological condition.

According to the standard formulae and a bit of chemical reasoning this is
what would be expected from using intermittent large doses of DMSA.

When rats are given intermittent large doses of DMSA, mercury is selectively
concentrated into certain nerve cells.

By looking up the kinetics of DMSA in human beings and putting those into the
formulae, one can determine that it should be taken every 4 hours for
mercury since you need to maintain a nice, even blood level of DMSA in order
to remove mercury instead of mobilizing and redepositing it.

DMSA is approved to treat lead, which unlike mercury is present at very low
unbound concentrations in blood so it is less prone to this
mobilization-redeposition effect. Manufacturer's directions for using DMSA
to treat lead are to give DMSA every 8 hours, not every other day.

Adults who take DMSA every 4 hours do reduce their blood levels of mercury
without experiencing the redistribution of mercury to their brains that the
every other day schedule causes - indeed there have been a few who tried it
both ways and found every other day to be harmful while every 4 hours was

Taking DMSA every 4 hours does require giving it in the middle of the night.
Typically DMSA 50-100 mg is given every 4 hours for a week, then a week is
skipped, and then this is repeated.

DMSA does not cross the blood brain barrier and does not reduce brain mercury
concentrations at a clinically significant rate. Thus only modest
improvements can be expected using DMSA. To greatly improve neurological
problems the mercury must be removed from the brain which can be done, for
example, with lipoic acid.

Improvement on chelating is slow - you should see some positive results in a
month or two but results after the first couple of weeks will be subtle at

If you notice a WORSENING, something is wrong and you should not continue
chelating the way you have been.

Andy Cutler

Onibasu Link: http://onibasu.com/archives/am/747.html

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