

  • Subject: Doctors
  • Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2000 12:42:34 EDT
  • Yahoo! Message Number: 853
  • Onibasu Link: http://onibasu.com/archives/am/853.html

I don't know any mercury toxic adult who got better by depending on one
doctor, mainstream or alternative. All the adults I know who got better
went through a lot of doctors. They all found this extremely alienating and
emotionally traumatic. I doubt it will be any different for those of you who
end up getting your kids well - I suspect you will go through a lot of
doctors and be pretty upset about MD's in general by the time you are done.
As with the adults, I expect your choice is the emotional turmoil and
alienation involved in running roughshod over a bunch of doc's to get what
you want, or developing a long term relationship with one or two doc's who
never do get your kid well.

For the most part I don't think this is the doctors' fault. They are as much
victims of the system as we are. Bouncing from doc to doc just seems to be
the only thing that has a hope of working - I am sure it is as tough on the
doctors as it is on us.

Andy Cutler

Onibasu Link: http://onibasu.com/archives/am/853.html

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