
Re: Medical Community

  • Subject: Re: Medical Community
  • Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2000 19:04:47 EDT
  • Yahoo! Message Number: 882
  • Onibasu Link: http://onibasu.com/archives/am/882.html

Do any of you have some guidelines to follow that might help select a
before spending huge sums of money or is this the only screening method
we are left with.

I have never heard of anyone getting well by seeing a physician like this.

I have never heard of anyone getting well by letting a physician who claimed
to know how to treat mercury tox take charge of their case and decide what to

I have heard of lots of people getting well by taking charge of their own
case and finding open-minded and reasonable physicians to help them. Some of
these people were not all that sophisticated, and all of them had extreme
'brain fog,' etc. while they did it.

I wrote <A HREF="http://hometown.aol.com/noamalgam">Amalgam Illness:
Diagnosis and Treatment</A> to help people like you take charge of their
case. Whether or not you use that particular book, you need to take
responsibility and make your own decisions because there are zero physicians
able to do it for you.

If you want tests, medications, etc. you do have to ask for them
specifically. Don't be shy - and if the doc won't order tests (which have no
risk of hurting you) then you know you need to find another doctor who wants
to help you.

I am sorry that this is the way it is, but deluding yourself into thinking
any physician can take care of you and all you have to do is find the right
doctor is dangerous and self destructive.

Andy Cutler

Onibasu Link: http://onibasu.com/archives/am/882.html

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