
Re: L Glutamine and L Glycine good or bad for me?

  • Subject: Re: L Glutamine and L Glycine good or bad for me?
  • Date: 25 Jan 2014 20:58:02 -0800
  • Yahoo! Message Number: 123807
  • Onibasu Link: http://onibasu.com/archives/fdc/123807.html

A bad NAC reaction suggests that you should try a thiol exclusion for a week and retest with some thiol foods in a week or ten days. If you feel a reaction (often brain fog, dizziness, or a redistribution headache) then you will benefit by restricting thiols. About 30-40% of mercury toxic people do.

I have been taking 1 gm of glycine and 2 of glutamine with each of three meals for two and a half years. It helps the liver produce glutathione in the liver and increases bile production (by improving detox?). I tried dropping it and the stools became light colored in a day. Some people react to the glutamine. If you react to MSG with a headache or migraine, you are not a likely candidate for glutamine. The two amino acids use up cysteine and seem to reduce the thiol reaction. I can now eat thiols.

Better methylation can affect many pathways and I had also started M-B12 and methyl-folate as i did not get along well with cheaper methyl donors. I mention this because it may be that the methylation supplements also contributed.

What works for some may not for others. But glycine and glutamine are worth checking out.



Onibasu Link: http://onibasu.com/archives/fdc/123807.html

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