
Re: Feedback on my hair test---158

  • Subject: Re: Feedback on my hair test---158
  • Date: Mon, 21 Apr 2008 02:15:21 -0000
  • Yahoo! Message Number: 25109
  • Onibasu Link: http://onibasu.com/archives/fdc/25109.html

Thanks for having a look at my test. I am planning on getting my two huge all silver
teeth redone and crowned in two weeks. I then will probably get a couple more done with
my income tax return. Then give my body 3 months to recover before trying to get

Wait 18 months after the last filling is out, or certainly at least 12 but 18 is a lot safer.

See figure 15 on page 52 of Amalgam Illness. Your body moves mercury around for a yar
or more after it can do this, and you don't want to be pregnant during thattime.

There is nothing you can do to speed that up.

Then I will wait until done breast feeding.. Then I will slowly remove all the rest as
money permits (the treatments for my son's autism are financially killing us-but it is well
worth it of course).

You really don't want a second autistic or otherwise impaired kid.

Mercury all out, 18 month wait, THEN try to conceive.

It seems like no one agrees on the amalgam removal before pregnancy. I am now a
little scared to do it now that I heard about the one post that started having the burning in
her head after amalgam removal. The dentist I go to uses a water laser (soit doesn't get
hot). He has the special vents, and he seems very knowledgable on the subject. Hopefully
it'll all turn out..

Onibasu Link: http://onibasu.com/archives/fdc/25109.html

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