
Re: what would Andy Cutler say on mercury brain damage? reversible really?

  • Subject: Re: what would Andy Cutler say on mercury brain damage? reversible really?
  • Date: Thu, 01 Dec 2011 22:36:18 -0000
  • Yahoo! Message Number: 77047
  • Onibasu Link: http://onibasu.com/archives/fdc/77047.html

When I was sickly for 15+ yrs I knew I looked and acted stupid and strange even though I had been a good student when I was a kid. As I look back I know I felt like I had to overachieve in order to gain the respect of others, especially professionally.

I now find it easier to gain the respect of others, especially in a professional setting. After 1.5 yrs AC protocol I don't looked so much like a spaced out lead head. I actually remember names reasonably well now. I'm not as uncomfortable in social situations. I'm not a fearful that I'll forget something that I should easily know and look really stupid in public. I'm not so introverted any longer.

I agree with your statement. I did not want to be around people. I was more interested in technology. I spent huge amounts of time in the basement with my books and piles of tech gear.

I might have acted in a weird way and had below average social skills but Icould pass the tech certification tests and keep the servers and networks running. I was a classic "computer geek." I did not have a great memory for names but I made up for it with my solid logic skills. I understood howthings interacted and how they worked.

--- In frequent-dose-chelation@yahoogroups.com, "456" <mkarty2007> wrote:

....It is often said that autistic children are very bright btw.

Maybe it is the lack of social life - and life in general - which makes us toxic people become overly intellectual. Thinking instead of having fun :)


Onibasu Link: http://onibasu.com/archives/fdc/77047.html

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