
Re: Cilantro(Lyn)

  • Subject: Re: Cilantro(Lyn)
  • Date: Tue, 09 Mar 2004 10:55:53 -0000
  • Yahoo! Message Number: 105364
  • Onibasu Link: http://onibasu.com/archives/am/105364.html

I saw reference to my name and wanted to read Andy's post, as I
respect him greatly, and his cautions are always with me and taken
into consideration.

I opened the post and see that he's not responding directly to
comments I wrote, but someone elses response to something I wrote--
in response to what someone else wrote/asked! LOL.

Posts can get a little confusing!

At the same time I wanted to add a few things in response to what
Andy is writing about cilantro. He and the other parent are correct
that most people are 1) afraid of cilantro and 2) for the good
reason that it does appear to be EFFECTIVE at removing toxins, yet
it's properties remain a mystery.

A few things interest me as a parent about cilantro. 1) Will it
work to remove mercury more quickly from my child's brain? 2) Is
there a way to go "low" and slow in trialing it out? 3) What are
the consequences if I try (cautiously?) and 4) What are the
consequences to my child's life if I KNOW there is a potent remover
of mercury available and I fail to try a means of using it??

I have looked at products like "metal free," and and PCA-RX and NDF,
and it interests me that some of them seem to have "some" effect.
It is also interesting to know that the ones that have the
greatest "slight" to great effect (positive or negative) contain
cilantro! Could it be that the cilantro in these products are
moving toxic metals? Which is why some have positive results on it
and some very negative? Sometimes the dosing of these items is very
sporadic, which tells me that they are blasting a potent gun perhaps
in sporadic ways and that there aren't enough safety nets. For
instance, if one uses cilantro and it moves toxic metals like
mercury into the body, where is the chelator to usher it OUT. Most
people using metal free and such aren't using anything else.

I take the few medical and scientific opinons of the doctors and
herbalist who have used cilantro, plus my own experience in using it
to believe the "right" batch of the stuff (cilantro) CAN do like no
parent I find that to be phenomenal! Scary, yes! But phenomenal.

I don't suggest that every family try cilantro. It's too dangerous.
Too potent, and very little is known on dosing, properties and all
that about how cilantro works.

As a parent, I found it time in my child's life to weigh the odds.
Was ala/dmsa chelation working? Sporadically and with long rounds
only did he retain many of the benefits of chelation with ala/dmsa.
His worst effects visually remained a push and pull battle, better
on chelation, lost afterwards. Very few gains in fine motor skills
and very little speech progress. My child gained out of the autism
diagnosis 70% by trying dmsa and ala combos for a year. A year of
little sleep--worth it to me--but how long can I go on for push and
pull? How long before damage to his brain is permanent and there is
no renewal of brain function?

As a parent of a child I want to see function I can take Andy's very
well placed caution and put it up against "trying" cautiously. Andy
doesn't have to live in my house, doesn't have to see my child
sitting out activities, cry because the short circuits in his brain
won't let him sing with a video! Cilantro is something that very
potentially works. I decided to cautiously try it. With DMSA, as I
have never read of anyone else trying it with. All I know is
Cilantro can very likely get toxic metals from the brain. That's
the parent wish list for me! All the scientific data I'll leave to
the scientists. All the debate I'll leave to those who feel so

We've tried cilantro with dmsa each of about six trials. Our son
does well on sulphury foods and was low on cystene on tests. We
upped the cystenine and used dmsa and cilantro. Last week was about
the fifth or so trial with cilantro. My son's speech was very
mumbled before this trial. After administering cilantro and dmsa
his speech is more distinct and his father, who is very hard to
satisfy regarding our son's recovery found relief! We're getting
there. My son would touch everyone else's hair but his own,until
the last cilantro try. Now he plays with his own hair. Great
coordination and fine motor with his fingers. Before this last
cilantro trial my son could only have one activity going on at a
time, last night he watched an alphabet/word video and got an
alphabet speaking toy and followed both along together, turning the
alphabet toy to each letter along with the video going through each
letter. He also had a tiny alphabet book nearby and grabbed that and
showed me each of the letters as the video said it! He also came to
kiss me at the letter,U, for "I love U." :-) He also repeated the
pattern of recognition and matching with a number video and book
next. He had it going on! LOL.

Have all of our cilantro trials produced remarkable results? No,
some were "no effect." Have we personally seen ill effect using
cilantro (three times) for one day and dmsa round the clock for 4
days (used dmsa 30 minutes before first cilantro extract, and then
every four hours later)? Have we seen ill effect using this
method? No. Have we see specific gains? Yes, at least twice.
Like jumping ahead 10 to 20 rounds of our usual experienc with ala.

Do we still use ala? Yes, inbetween monthly tries with cilantro (we
go very slowly with cilantro tries) we do 4-7 day ala rounds and see
some small gains. Any is better than none. We have a goal,
everyone. I want my son to be age appropriate, and begin homeschool
in September. Cilantro may help us to get there. Is it scary
stuff? You bet! Have we seen enough to justify keep trying? YES.

Will it work the same for everyone? I don't know.

Will everyone be cautious and careful using cilantro? I don't know.

Do I have to live with everyone elses personal decision regarding
TRYING cilantro or NOT? No.

Weigh the risks carefully parents. The pros and cons of trying any
and all detox and chelating methods are up to YOU.

Best wishes,

Mom to Tee 4.11 years (fifth birthday this month!)
--- In Autism-Mercury@yahoogroups.com, "andrewhallcutler"
<AndyCutler> wrote:

Also, I've read previous posts about cilantro. People seem
to be
very scared off by it.

Because there are lots of truly horrible adverse reaction reports.

The stuff does appear to contain a brain accessing chelator, which
makes it potentially very dangerous for toxic people.

Unfortunately nobody has a clue how to use it properly.

This is very scary.

Andy ./ . . .. . . . . .

Onibasu Link: http://onibasu.com/archives/am/105364.html

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