
Re: Chelation protocol for Autistic Children?

  • Subject: Re: Chelation protocol for Autistic Children?
  • Date: Sun, 7 May 2000 20:46:06 EDT
  • Yahoo! Message Number: 1224
  • Onibasu Link: http://onibasu.com/archives/am/1224.html

Do you think we should have the children evaluated after detox for
residual vision problems that may require vision therapy?

Absolutely. In fact, undiagnosed binocular vision problems are almost
always misdiagnosed as learning disabilities or neurologically based
behavioral problems if you put the kid in front of anyone other than a
behavioral optometrist. While real learning disabilities can't be cured by
vision therapy, children diagnosed with "learning disabilities" or
"behavioral problems" often ARE cured of them by vision therapy. Thus I
suggest getting in front of the optometrist earlier rather than later.

Please note that while I sing the praises of behavioral optometrists above
(if you want to hear someone slam out on them, most ophthalmologists will
gladly oblige, as will a lot of pediatricians), they are like any other
doctor. Some are good, some not as good. If your kid has a protracted
course of therapy prescribed and isn't getting better, find another one for
a second opinion. If you have the right one they should be able to explain
and show you how the kid's test results are improving at about 3 months and
you should see some really significant improvement no later than 6 months -
and often at 3.

Even if the kid seems fine, have them evaluated. If they have binocular
vision problems they don't know it since they think everyone sees things just
like they do.

Also please note that if your child has amblyopia (lazy eye), patching
actually makes it harder to correct later and getting vision therapy ASAP is
a good idea.

If you don't have vision coverage in your insurance, you should expect to
pay $100 to $150 for the exam. Vision therapy is often covered under medical
insurance even when other eye care is not - the optometrist's office will
know what your plan covers and will tell you when it is relevant.

Andy Cutler

Onibasu Link: http://onibasu.com/archives/am/1224.html

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