
Re: Chelation protocol for Autistic Children?

  • Subject: Re: Chelation protocol for Autistic Children?
  • Date: Tue, 9 May 2000 01:32:08 EDT
  • Yahoo! Message Number: 1248
  • Onibasu Link: http://onibasu.com/archives/am/1248.html

Can you talk a little more on MCS.

It is often induced by mercury tox, which causes increased phase 1 reaction
rates in the liver so that the intermediates get formed faster than phase 2
gets rid of them.

Solutions are twofold: slow down phase 1 (orange juice, better grapefruit
juice, also niacinamide 500 - 1000 mg. NOT niacin. Also omit BHA, BHT,
broiled, barbecued or otherwise burnt/charred foods, and try not to use
medications that induce phase 1 metabolism like carbamazepine, valproic
acid, etc. Which ones do this is well known. Avoiding iron and copper
slows down phase 1 a bit too by depriving the enzymes of needed cofactors) or
speed up the assorted phase 2 reactions (different supplements help with each
one - you do pretty well on B complex, C, standard minerals and if you
tolerate it things like NAC).

This also seems to go with low-ish cortisol (adrenal function) and high
estrogens and high thyroid - all things you can correct with supplements,
dietary manipulation or medications.

Grapefruit and niacinamide seem to work pretty well, and promptly, for
these problems. People with MCS would do well to check them out and carry
them around for routine use, or take them prophylactically.

Andy Cutler

Onibasu Link: http://onibasu.com/archives/am/1248.html

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