
Re: allergy shots

  • Subject: Re: allergy shots
  • Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 00:09:44 -0000
  • Yahoo! Message Number: 19570
  • Onibasu Link: http://onibasu.com/archives/am/19570.html

I don't have to pay for allergy shots..insurance does otherwise I
would never beable to do it. The shots have helped both Nate and I a
great deal....I started this before I learned all this other
stuff..re:this board...I knew nothing about heavy metals. Nate gets
sick less often..he used to have chronic sinuse infections. My
feeling sick all the time is better and my depression is better. So
for us the shots are really helping. Allergies also run in my family
pretty bad and I have alot of airborne allergies and was never
treated for them as a child. Growing up in school I had a really bad
learning disablities which now I feel there is a connection between
learning problems, developmental delays, allergies, ect to this heavy
metal stuff. I am learning slowly...we will get there. But I
wonder if my own brain isn't damaged...there are some things I can't
do no matter how much I work of them...spelling is slowly getting
better but I can't do math...I get numbers and sysbloms mixed up. So
many problems...I just don't want Nate to end up like me.

--- In Autism-Mercury, Bernard Windham <berniew1> wrote:

I wonder if he isn't getting mercury in our allergy shots too
that we
take? mmmmm.

I don't think most allergy shots contain mercury, but its
wise to ask. but why are you taking allergy shots when you have
income?? I had allergy shots which didn't help much and I've
seen any evidence that many are helped much by allergy shots. But
I dealt with my mercury problem, my lifetime chronic dust and mold
allergies just went away. with allergies I think its mostly a big
chronic toxicity/immune reactivity problem that overwhelms the
system so it can't deal even with the little stuff. and people waste
their time and money trying to deal with the litttle stuff that
really the basic problem; Unload the immune system and it can take
care of the little stuff. so the big question I think is what is the
big,main problem and deal with it.

Onibasu Link: http://onibasu.com/archives/am/19570.html

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