
Re: cysteine?

  • Subject: Re: cysteine?
  • Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2000 12:38:29 EDT
  • Yahoo! Message Number: 2024
  • Onibasu Link: http://onibasu.com/archives/am/2024.html

Autistic kids are usually short of glutathine, but they are also mostly
metal toxic. Since cysteine converts to glutathine in the body, is there any
concern over glutathine? Don't we need it for detoxification?

"autistic kids are usually short of glutathione" is a dogmatic belief of the
"alternative medicine" religion WHICH IS NOT CONSISTENT WITH THE RESULTS OF

Some are short of it, some not.

For those who have more than enough cysteine but don't have all that high of
glutathione, the glutathione (which is the body's natural antioxidant) is
being consumed by excessive oxidative stress. The way to increase
glutathione to appropriate levels is NOT to give more cysteine, but to give
adequate amounts of antioxidants.

In particular, glutathione reduces peroxidized lipids. You need to take a
wide variety of different lipid soluble antioxidants to protect all the
different lipid compartments in your body from peroxidation, just taking a
large amount of one doesn't do it.

Andy Cutler

Onibasu Link: http://onibasu.com/archives/am/2024.html

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