
Re: Lipoic acid/DMSA questions

  • Subject: Re: Lipoic acid/DMSA questions
  • Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2000 16:36:20 EDT
  • Yahoo! Message Number: 2150
  • Onibasu Link: http://onibasu.com/archives/am/2150.html

In a message dated 6/15/00 12:29:08 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
AndyCutler writes:

<< While it increases urinary copper excretion, it actually INCREASES the
levels of copper since most copper comes out in feces and LA slows that
process. >>

Is Lipoic Acid thought to slow bowel movements, increase the rate of copper
absorption from the gut, or slow the copper loss to the gut? The reason that
I ask, is that over the last week while using lipoic acid we noted our 7 year
old daughter's bowel movements slowing from every 2 days to every 3 days, and
were wondering if this were do to either Lipoic Acid, Milk Thistle or the
liquid Molybdenum drops all of which were added to her supplements about a
week prior to this observation. We credit improved bowel function as having
resulted from our Mercury Detox efforts. Last year at this time, her average
bowel movement was every 6 days!

Any ideas?

Onibasu Link: http://onibasu.com/archives/am/2150.html

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